Take that, Phyllis Schlafly (and may I add, please rot in hell)

Women can now be in combat. Does this mean that we can stop with Schlafly’s old canard of if we actually treat women and men equally, then women have to be drafted into combat? Does this mean that since we can die for our country, it will finally give us equal right?

I’d like to draw attention to one line in particular.

In recent years the necessities of war propelled women into jobs as medics, military police and intelligence officers that were sometimes attached – but not formally assigned – to units on the front lines.

Women already have been in combat units, just not in combat units. Thanks to the policy forbidding them from being in combat, they just didn’t get the credit for it.

Thanks to Brian for telling me about this development.

About emmawolf

I'm a freelance writer living in Baltimore with my husband, son, and two cats. I'm working on editing my first novel. I love reading, traveling, and the cello.
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6 Responses to Take that, Phyllis Schlafly (and may I add, please rot in hell)

  1. Laura says:

    Yes, I’m so excited! I’m glad that women are finally going to get credit and training for combat since they were in combat for years in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Nice blog by the way. It’s always nice to read a writer who dislikes Phyllis Schlafly as much as I do.

    If you’re interested in the recent lawsuit that female veterans brought against the Defense Department claiming that the Combat Exclusion Policy violates the Equal Protection Clause, I wrote about it here.

    Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    -Laura at Liberal Values Voter

  2. Laura says:

    I can’t believe they portrayed a woman who is known best for her campaign against the ERA as a trailblazer for women. What a joke.

    I really like what the Change.org petition said: “Calling Schlafly a groundbreaker for women is like calling George Wallace a groundbreaker for civil rights.” I happily signed that petition. 🙂

  3. Brian says:

    Just out of curiosity, what do you think should be done with Selective Service?

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